REVIEW for defence and security industry 2/2016
Dear readers,
In the beginning of what is the second issue of this year and is also available in an electronic form, in both Czech and English, at, you will find an interview with the Minister of Defence, which concerns not only the acquisition plan of and investments into the Czech Army, but also the cooperation of the Ministry of Defence of the Czech Republic on the Future Forces Forum 2016 project, in which the “Review for Defence and Security Industry” magazine will participate as the main media partner for the Czech Republic. Another interesting interview with Brigadier Roman Hlinovský, Director of the Fire Rescue Corps of the Capital City of Prague, will mention, inter alia, the differences, advantages and disadvantages of Prague’s firefighters in comparison with other regions. The JCBRN Defence CEO will celebrate its 10th anniversary this October, which was why we asked the Centre’s Director, Colonel of the General Staff Jiří Gajdoš, for its brief presentation and evaluation.
I cannot of course forget the exclusive interviews with the Chief Executive Officer of EVPÚ Defence, who was escorting us during our sightseeing tour of their new production facility, and also with the Managing Director of Quittner & Schimek, indicating a major expansion of the firm’s production activities, although the company does not make use of subsidies or other forms of support from the EU or the government.
The companies presenting their activities and innovations in the “Defence and Security” section include, inter alia, RETIA, INTERLINK CS, EXPLOSIA, SEVOTECH, MESIT, SAAB, AGADOS, VOP CZ, SELLIER & BELLOT, PBS VB or GORDIC. KOMCENTRA presents a new software solution codenamed JITKA, which coordinates different units of the Police of the Czech Republic and facilitates communication of other regional Integrated Operating Centres.
Early in February, there was a merger of two sections of the Defence and Security Industry Association of the Czech Republic, “Tactical Systems” and “C4/Battlefield Digitization” into one named “C4STAR”, whose objectives and past and planned events you can read about in an article on Pages 40 and 41.
In the next few months, our publishing house will participate, either as a media partner or as a supporter of the Czech defence and security industry through the distribution of the “Review for DSI” and “CDIS Review” magazines, at major conferences and exhibitions at home and abroad, including the IDEB fair in Bratislava, Future Armoured Vehicles Eastern Europe, “Crises, Disasters, Collapses: How Can the EU and Czechia Face Them?”, EUROSATORY in Paris, “Cooperation and Effective Use of Tools of the Army of the Czech Republic with an Emphasis on CBRN protection”, and 198th Žofín Forum “Army, Security and the Role of the Defence Industry in the Context of the Current International Situation”.
I am looking forward to meeting you at some of the impending events!
Šárka Cook, Editor in Chief,
Review for Defence and Security Industry
An electronic version of the magazine: