Mediální partner AOBP ČR

Review for defence and security industry 2/2024

Dear readers,

In this year´s second edition, we bring you some interesting interviews, especially with important representatives of the state administration and, as usual, a presentation of the Czech industry, thereby fulfilling the main mission of the magazine, which is to facilitate better communication between the state and industry in the field of the defence and security community.

In the last edition, we brought challenges and current information from the Department of the Ministry of Defence, i.e. the Czech Armed Forces. The focus of this edition, as announced in the publishing plan for this year, is mainly the presentation of other security forces of the Czech Republic, primarily the Police, Prison Service, Customs Administration, but also the Fire Rescue Service and the State Administration of Material Reserves. It is a community that is as important to the Defence and Security Industry as the military sphere.

It is extremely important for the MS Line Publishing House and the editors of the Reviews that a significant part of the Czech Defence and Security Industry companies use the REVIEW magazine to present their activities. In this edition, we focused mainly on the presentation of medium-sized and small companies, and we want to continue this trend throughout this year. The membership base of the DSIA CR already brings together approximately 180 companies. I believe that after the General Meeting of the DSIA CR, we will start media cooperation with thirty new members.

As a member company and media platform for DSIA CR, we are devoting a third of the magazine’s content to the 28th General Meeting. In addition to an interview with the President of the Association and an activity report, we also bring information from the DSIA Board of Directors and introduce 30 new member companies. We wish them to find the necessary background and support for their activities in the Association.

An electronic version of the magazine:   
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